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March 17, 2005
Goals for release 0.37
Now I feel like I'm on a roll, and I can progress in releases , step by step. So here are the goals for release 0.37 :
Goal 1: Lexical scope. I've already been setting variables inside functions just for convenience throughout the rest of that function, but those variables need to be scoped to that function alone.
Goal 2: A parsing error system that tells the 'moment' something goes wrong, by printing the line of code, and then aligning a caret on the next line to point at the location of the parsing error.
Goal 3: Allow as many java abilities as possible. Cardinal only allows invokation of a java method on an existing object, and on a static method. Currently, only the parser can create object instances. Looking at the reflections API, I see that I can aquire array access, create objects via their constructor, and possibly tap into the power of these Proxy classes, though they look like a big hack. Most of this can be done in CX through invoke (reflectively invoking reflective methods), but I want to add it to the foundation as further development will rely on these things.
Finally, I'd like to make a 1-2 page summary of how to code in CX, for programmers who can catch on like that. This summary will not include how to program across contexts. It's like learning how to do java inside one class. CX essentially doesn't have the convenience for a developer to code across contexts right now anyway. That's 0.38 talk.
When these goals are met, and I can certainly verify that each goal is met with acceptance by some of my fellow programming friends, I will release CX 0.37.
Posted by Rex at March 17, 2005 07:57 PM