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November 30, 2004

renaissance period

The last two articles spell out 'mistake'. Now is time for 'rebirth' or large changes to the codebase, which includes re-implementation and even some file-renaming.

Sequences have been explained as pretty much a colon definition in CX. If you have ever done a concatenative language, you'd understand what I just meant. The main thing is that sequences need inp- they need input because they ARE the fundamental way of taking action in CX, and with CX being applicative, you must be able to apply the fundamental actions to something. Now, inp is only for sequences, and acts no differently inside a list or outside a list: if it is found inside braces, the evaluation of the next word will replace that 'inp'.

The new evaluation system implements tail call optimization and lays easy paths for compilation, callstack tracing, and user defined objects. Next article should be one of success, and specification of how to use these things.

Posted by Rex at November 30, 2004 08:30 PM


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